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training course in the world for learning how to motivate youth!
In the Connect & Empower training course, where you will learn a practical system on how to foster the determination and, ultimately, the achievement of the adults of tomorrow.
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Equipping adults
to empower our youth.
This is what KB P.O.W.E.R. is all
about, training adults in effectively reaching today’s youth.
What’s P.O.W.E.R.
Positivity. Opportunity.Wisdom. Encouragement. Responsibility.
A results driven resource with tools to encourage the fulfillment of the next generation.
With 10 years of mentoring experience, Kirk has crafted a practical system to teaching today’s adults how to foster the determination and, ultimately, the achievement of the adults of tomorrow.
For the first time, Kirk commits his approach to the page, with “5 Powerful Tips for Motivating Youth”.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Audible | Kindle
The Adults Guide
to Motivating Youth
Are you an adult looking for ways to effectively communicate with youth? If you feel today's youth are not motivated, this book will help you understand it is the responsibility of the adults to empower our youth and equip them with the skills to do so.
Your GO-TO podcast for expert advice on reaching today’s youth!
Kirk shares concepts from his book "5 Powerful Tips for Motivating Youth" as a way to help others who desire to connect with the youth in their lives.
Ignite the
P.O.W.E.R. within!
Join our mailing list for your
FREE e-book with tips to engage with youth. The goal is to equip you with information and resources related to empowering our youth.
"I believe the lives of young people can be changed through the P.O.W.E.R of a positive attitude and tapping into their potential."
— Kirk Berry